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13 Dec

Women and Leadership Series to host the Right Honourable Kim Campbell

December 13, 2017 | By |

SPPG’s flagship event series, sponsored by the David Peterson Leadership Fund, will start the new semester with a talk by former Prime Minister Kim Campbell.

As the first and only female prime minister of Canada, the importance Ms. Campbell’s contributions to the realm of Canadian politics is difficult to overstate.

Started by Professor Mel Cappe in 2014, SPPG’s Women & Leadership series has featured Katie Telford, Louise Arbour, Christine Hogan, Cynthia Morton, Margaret Biggs, and more.

How is the world different because our speakers lead their respective organizations, and how much of that difference is because they’re women? These are the questions that lead the series’ discussions. The aim is to examine not only the different realities women may face in the world of policy, but also to interrogate what it means to bring a gendered perspective to the table.

At the same time, the series makes a point of featuring the diverse perspectives of women leaders. By bringing in speakers from different professional backgrounds, fields, and political leanings, the series intends to highlight the individuality of each approach to policy, politics, and gender.

SPPG looks forward to a strong start of the 2018 Winter Semester with this exciting event.

The Woman and Leadership series is sponsored by the David Peterson Leadership Fund.

Follow SPPG on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the time and location of the event.