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  • Welcome to the Munk School: Meet professors & the MPP team, learn about courses and the dual campus model and more…

    Welcome to the Munk School: Meet professors & the MPP team, learn about courses and the dual campus model and more…

  • Want to hire an MPP Intern or Grad?

    Want to hire an MPP Intern or Grad?
    Check out our employers page for more info

Munk School community rallies around Black Student Excellence Scholarship, raises over $21,000

February 22, 2022Read more about the scholarship available to MPP and MGA students, which aims to remove barriers for Black students in the Munk School programs Read More

Read the MPP brochure

December 3, 2021Download the MPP brochure to learn more about the program, admissions process, internship and employment opportunities and more  

Peter Loewen appointed director of U of T’s Munk School

November 1, 2021Effective November 1, 2021, Professor Peter Loewen, a leading political scientist, is the new director of the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. Read his biography here.

Why Choose Public Policy at Munk?

At the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, you will gain the knowledge and experience you need through our MPP Program to become a leader in addressing today’s complex policy problems. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto in close proximity to an extraordinary concentration of policy leaders, you will be in the center of a vibrant and engaged community and have constant access to the best minds in policy.


MPP Student Leadership Initiatives

Our MPP students are extremely active and engaged, and there are a variety of opportunities at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy to get involved, such as non-profit consulting, a peer-reviewed journal, a public affairs radio program. These initiatives allow students to develop their skills, contribute to the policy discourse, and expand their networks.


MPP Alumni

The Master of Public Policy program has over 850 alumni working as policy professionals across Canada and internationally. Our alumni are making impact in a diverse range of roles within the government, the broader public sector, the not-for-profit sector, and private organizations. Our powerful and active Alumni Network provides a valuable lifelong network of fellow graduates and public policy professionals.

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