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08 Aug

The Mowat Centre’s Mark Jarvis on Creating a High Performing Canadian Civil Service against a Backdrop of Disruptive Change

August 8, 2016 | By |

In this report, the Mowat Centre in partnership with KPMG looks at the challenges that the federal public services faces and makes recommendations for change.

Mark Jarvis highlights the disruptive change that the civil service is facing including globalization and digitization. Jarvis provides potentials for change from within the civil service that will allow it to modernize.

Mark D. Jarvis is co-author of Democratizing the Constitution: Reforming Responsible Government, the recipient of the 2011 Donner Prize for the best public policy book by a Canadian and the 2012 Donald Smiley prize for best book relating to the study of government and politics in Canada. Mark joined the Mowat Centre at the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy and Governance in November 2014 to lead research for the Centre on public service reform. His most recent publication was “Hieararchy”, which appeared in the Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability, published in 2014.

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