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22 Aug

SPPG Prof Wendy Dobson on China’s Rise in Policy Options

August 22, 2016 | By |

Ahead of PM Justin Trudeau’s visit to China, SPPG Professor Wendy Dobson explains Canada’s reaction to China’s rise on the international stage.

Dobson narrows in on economic areas where Canada could deepen its relationship with China including: energy and environment, food security, infrastructure and transportation as well as services. Further, Dobson highlights Canada’s political relationship with China and various recommendations for improving our nation’s interaction with this rising power.

Wendy Dobson is an Adjunct Professor and Co-Director for the Institute of International Business at Rotman and former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance. She chairs the Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) research network and has published in English and Mandarin on Asia’s rise; the future of the Indian and Chinese economies in the world economy; the Chinese financial system; and Chinese innovation. Professor Dobson’s most recent book is Partners and Rivals: The Uneasy Future of China’s Relationship with the United States.

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