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01 Mar

SPPG Places Second in 2016 IPAC National Case Competition

March 1, 2016 | By |

The National Annual Public Administration Case Competition is designed to highlight the excellence of public administration programs and students across the country.

On Saturday, February 27 Matthew Casselman (MPP Candidate, 2017), Simon Gooding-Townsend (MPP Candidate, 2017), Emma Helfand-Green (MPP Candidate, 2016) and Guy Miscampbell (MPP Candidate, 2016), along with faculty coaches Janet Mason and Barry Goodwin travelled to the University of Ottawa to compete in this year’s Institute of Public Administration of Canada’s National Annual Public Administration Case Competition.

2016 Case Comp team for web

SPPG’s Team from left to right: Barry Goodwin, Simon Gooding-Townsend, Matthew Casselman, Emma Helfand-Green, Guy Miscampbell, and Janet Mason


The case was a complex one – addressing Canada’s impending “Grey Tsunami” – the impact of our aging population on our society and our future ability to support needed health care and income security programs in an environment of slow economic growth and low productivity.

We are very proud to announce that SPPP’s team finished 2nd among 11 universities in this year’s competition. Simon Fraser University took the top spot and Queen’s University rounded out the top 3 schools, coming in 3rd.

SPPG’s team will reflect on it’s approach to this year’s competition and is already busy preparing for the 2017 event which is tentatively scheduled to be hosted by Ryerson University. SPPG students will be invited to apply for 2017’s team during the Fall 2016 term.