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15 Sep

Shannon Wells

September 15, 2015 | By |

Special Advisor, Thomson Reuters

Year of Graduation: 2009

Prior Education: Dalhousie University, Hons BA (First Class); UBC, MA

Prior ExperienceAdvisor, Financial Sector Policy Branch, Finance Canada and Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office; Action Canada Fellow; Parliamentary Internship Programme Fellow

MPP Summer Internship: Research Assistant and Special Advisor to the President, Institute for Research on Public Policy

What influenced your decision to attend SPPG?
Its vision for 21st century public service training and practice.

What is your favourite memory of SPPG?
The dedicated faculty and staff.

What is a typical day like at your current job?
Managing and building the engagement of North American constituents in the World Economic Forum’s projects and activities.

What advice would you now want to give to yourself on your first day as a MPP student?
This experience will be what you make it.

What are your favorite Toronto activities, places or restaurants?
Cycling, Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Queen West.

What aspects of your MPP program did you most appreciate?
The wide range of choice in the curriculum.

What book are you reading now?
The Power of Habit