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01 May

PPG2020H: MPP Reading Course

May 1, 2014 | By |

Reading courses are available only to students who have the requisite preparation and only at the discretion of faculty members.

In special circumstances, outlined below, SPPG is prepared to authorize MPP students to work on policy-/governance-based reading research.

1) MPP student has secured a research-based award (SSHRC or CIHR, most commonly);
2) MPP student requires a research course to meet the requirements of a collaborative program (most commonly the Asia-Pacific collaborative program)
– Students in this circumstance are to work with supervisors affiliated with the collaborative program (e.g., Asia-Pacific collaborative program)
3) MPP student with extenuating circumstances related to having taken part in the CIE exchange term.

Students who meet one of these criteria may consult with Petra Jory about the MPP Reading Course.

Fall or Spring (2nd year)