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22 Feb

Next Steps for New Admits to the MPP Program

February 22, 2022 | By |

Next Steps for New Admits to the MPP Program

Congratulations on being admitted to the MPP program for Fall 2022! Please see the information below for the next steps you need to take before starting the MPP. Check this page regularly over the summer for updates before starting the MPP this September.

Pay Your Admission Deposit

  • Your admission deposit secures your spot in the program. The admission deposit is non-refundable.
  • Please follow the steps below to pay your deposit.
      • VISA or MasterCard accepted only
      • A non-refundable convenience fee of 2.25% (CAD $11.25) will be added.
      • Effective March 1, 2022 the convenience fee will be 2.5% (CAD $12.50)
      • Payment is only via your ACORN account accessed by using your JOINid or UTORid
        We do not advise sharing your ACORN access information with anyone in order for them to make the payment, since that will provide access to view and change significant data in your official student record. You will assume all responsibility and risk for doing so. $500 in Canadian currency, payable online by Credit Card only via ACORNE-transfer/e-banking is not to be used for the deposit payment. Payment by a certified cheque (bank draft) or a money order is no longer possible due to COVID-19.



        • Please follow these SPECIFIC instructions since they are for paying the deposit and differ from the instructions for paying the rest of your tuition.
        • Current UofT students, DO NOT try to pay the deposit by e-banking as you would pay tuition customarily, follow the deposit payment instructions specified.
        • DO NOT follow the menus in the ACORN system intuitively, please have these specific instructions with you when you are paying the deposit.

If you have not already done so, enable your JOINId; or use your existing UTORid if you are a current UofT student.

Log in to ACORN

In the DASHBOARD main display area, look for the block titled FINANCES

        • In that block, your ability to pay by credit card is enabled if it displays these specific lines of text:
          1. Outstanding Admission Deposit
          2. Master of Public Policy (MPP)
          3. with a value of $500
        • From that block select the button Make a Payment to proceed to the option to pay by credit card, then make the payment.

After the completion of the payment
You should receive two separate emails, to your email address on file in ACORN, with receipt of payment information. One email will be from UofT Student Accounts using the sender name ROSI Help, the other from Moneris, the agency which handles the payment transaction.

Verification of Receipt of Tuition Deposit at the University
Regardless of payment method, to verify that Student Accounts has received and processed the deposit:

Log into ACORN

From the Finances menu, select Financial Account, then go to Payment History or Account Details to view.

The payment is listed as Credit Card Admission Deposit with a value of $50

Send Your Official Transcripts

  • Before starting the program in September you must submit an official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended. Transcripts must be sent from the institution to us. We prefer e-transcripts (sent to
  • Hard copies can be sent to: Attn: Petra Jory, Program Officer, Master of Public Policy Program, Munk School of Global Affairs, 14 Queen’s Park Cres West, Toronto, ON, M5S 3K9
    Transcripts must be received no later than August 31, 2022.

Apply for a Study Permit/Co-Op Permit

  • International students should apply for a study permit/co-op work permit (for the internship) as soon as possible. When applying for a study permit, you have the option of also applying for a co-op work permit which will be needed for your summer internship. The letter provided in your SGS Offer Letter package can be used to apply for your study permit.
  • International students should contact MPP Internship Manager, Katie Boomgaardt to ensure they have completed their co-op permit request correctly
  • For information on applying for a study permit please visit the Centre for International Experience’s website. CIE also has Immigration Advisors ( who can help guide international students through the process of applying for a study permit.

Apply for Financial Aid

  • The MPP Program does not have an financial aid program. Domestic students may apply for provincial financial aid. Students from Ontario may apply for OSAP
  • Students from other provinces may apply for financial aid through their home province. More information can be found here.
  • Apply for a student loan from a banking institution. Most banks have a loan program specifically for students.
  • U.S. students may apply for loan programs offered in the U.S. More information can be found here.

Make a Budget

  • It is important for you to have a financial plan before starting the MPP program. The MPP program does not have a financial aid program. Students enrolled in the MPP program fund their degree through scholarships (if awarded), government loans (OSAP, U.S. Federal Direct Loan Program, etc.), bank loans, personal savings, and RAships and TAships. It is important you budget your finances before starting the MPP program to ensure you are able to afford the degree through its entirety. UofT has a Financial Planning Tool to help you plan your finances. In addition, The School of Graduate Studies has financial advisors for current MPP students.

Pay Your Tuition Fees/Defer Your Tuition

  • Tuition fees will be charged to your ACORN student account mid-July. The minimum amount to register (typically half your tuition) is due by the end of August. You will be able to see your fees invoice on ACORN once they are charged. For information on paying fees please visit the Student Accounts website.
  • If you are receiving OSAP or other provincial and government funding you can defer your tuition fees on ACORN. More information can be found on the Student Accounts website.
  • If you are receiving a scholarship you can defer your tuition fees through the MPP program office provided the following:

Get Your TCard/Activate Your UTORid

  • A TCard is your student photo ID. Your UTORid is your official University of Toronto log in (currently your JOINid) which you will use to access your email and course materials on Quercus. Beginning June 1, 2022, you will be able to get your TCard/UTORid and email through the TCard Office. Please consult the TCard Office websitefore more information.

Log Into Quercus

Math-Stats & Econ Boot Camps

  • The Econ Boot Camp will be offered asynchronously in early/mid-August.
  • The delivery format of the Math-Stats Prep course will be announced by email. The Prep Course will take place in late-Aug. You will be required to write a diagnostic test upon completion of the Math-Stats Prep Course to assess your level of preparedness for the quant courses in the program. The date of the test will be released later this summer.

Look for Housing

  • The University of Toronto has a number of different listings for on and off campus housing. Please visit the Housing website for more details.
  • Grad House is University of Toronto’s residence for graduate students. Students must apply directly to Grad House for a spot. Please visit their website for more information.

Attend a Virtual Meet and Greet

  • During the summer we will hold regular virtual meet and greets for incoming students to answer any questions you may have about starting the program this Fall. Dates are TBD.

Look for TA and RA Positions

  • You can help supplement the cost of your degree through taking on a position as a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant. Teaching assistants at the University of Toronto are unionized and often go to students pursuing PhD programs as part of their funding packages. However, there are lots of positions available to other graduate students during the academic year. To view current TA positions click here.
  • The MPP program offers Research Trainee positions for students who want to work directly with MPP faculty. Beyond these positions there are formal Research Assistants with other faculty across the University. RA positions and other paid research options can be found on the CLNx job postings site.

Important Dates

  • June 1, 2022-TCard Office starts issuing TCards/UTORids via virtual appointments
  • August 2022 – Math-Stats Boot Camp and Econ Boot Camp starts. Exact dates TBD
  • Tuesday, August 23, 2022- Fall/Winter courses open for registration  (*details on courses to be sent out later this Summer)
  • End of August- Tuition fees are due
  • September 6-9, 2022 – Orientation Week
  • Monday, September 12, 2022- Fall term courses start

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