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23 Jan

Municipal Policy Action Case Competition (MPACC)

January 23, 2015 | By |

Join us to watch the top two teams present their implementation plan to expert judges in the field of mental health and social housing.

The judges for the competition are Phillip Abrahams (Division Head, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, City of Toronto), Andrea Austen (former Director, Resident Access and Support Services, Toronto Community Housing), and Joy Connelly (independent consultant to non-profit organizations).

We are encouraging participants and attendees to join in on the Twitter conversation before and during the event, using #MPACC and #TOhousing. It is our hope that students will engage in this live policy discussion, and that the case competition will serve as a platform for innovative ideas.

This event is organized by SPPG students. The MPACC Organizing Committee would like to thank the Student Leadership Fund for the generous support in making this event possible.

For more information contact the MPACC Organizing Committee at

More information

Event Date

January 23, 2015
1:30pm to 2:45pm


University College
15 King’s College Circle