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Michael Donnelly

January 1, 1982 | By |

Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Undergraduate Public Policy Program

Michael Donnelly is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy. He studies the relationship between public policy and public opinion, with a focus on topics such as immigration, democratic accountability, and social policy. His research draws on evidence from a wide range of countries, especially in North America and Europe. His teaching includes courses on comparative public policy, comparative politics, and research methods. Prior to his arrival in Toronto, he was a Max Weber post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He received a PhD in Politics and Social Policy from Princeton University in 2013, and a BA and MA in political science from Fordham University in 2007 and 2008.

Courses Taught
PPG2008H: Comparative Public Policy and Transnational Forces

Donnelly, Michael J. and Pop-Eleches, Grigore (2016) “Income Measures in Cross-National Surveys: Problems and Solutions”, Political Science Research and Methods, First View.

Donnelly, Michael J. (2016) “Competition and solidarity: union members and immigration in Europe”, West European Politics. 39(4): 688-709.

Sectoral Economies, Economic Contexts, and Attitudes toward Immigration(Journal of Politics 2013, with Rafaela Dancygier, winner of the Best Article prize from the European Politics and Society section of APSA)

Economic Performance, Individual Evaluations, and the Vote: Investigating the Causal Mechanism(Journal of Politics 2013, with Michael Becher).

Home Department
Department of Political Science

Research interests
Social Policy, Immigration, Ethnic Politics, Public Opinion, European Politics, Research Methods.

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