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17 Sep

Meet your professors and learn about your courses

September 17, 2020 | By |

We produced a series of videos to introduce incoming MPP students to the courses you’ll take and the faculty who will teach them. Meet seven of members of the MPP faculty, including Daniyal Zuberi, the new Director of the MPP program.


WATCH: Meet Drew Fagan, professor at the Munk School and instructor of Putting Policy Into Action

WATCH: Meet Jamie Radner, assistant professor at the Munk School and instructor of Program Evaluation and International Development

WATCH: Meet Janet Mason, assistant professor at the Munk School and instructor of Putting Policy into Action in the Master of Public Policy program.

WATCH: Meet Daniyal Zuberi, Director of the Master of Public Policy program.

WATCH: Meet Gabriel Eidelman, assistant professor at the Munk School and Director of the Munk School’s Urban Policy Lab. He co-teaches Governance and Institutions with Jonathan Craft in the MPP program.

WATCH: Meet Jonathan Craft, associate professor at the University of Toronto’s Department of Political Science and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. He is co-teaching Governance and Institutions  with Gabriel Eidelman.

WATCH: Meet Stephan Heblich, Munk Chair in Economics and a professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of Economics and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. He is co-teaching Microeconomics for Policy Analysis with Kory Kroft this fall for the MPP program.

WATCH: Meet Kory Kroft, associate professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of Economics and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. He is co-teaching Microeconomics for Policy Analysis with Stephan Heblich.

WATCH: Meet Janice Stein, the Munk School’s founding director, a University Professor and Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management in the Department of Political Science. She will be co-teaching Decision Making and Strategic Thinking in the Global System with Peter Loewen.

WATCH: Meet Peter Loewen, a professor in the department of political science and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. He is co-teaching Decision Making and Strategic Thinking in the Global System with Janice Stein.


WATCH: Governance and Institutions (PPG1000H). Taught by Gabriel Eidelman and Jonathan Craft, this course is intended to provide foundational knowledge of key governance structures and political institutions at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels in Canada.

WATCH: Microeconomics for Policy Analysis (PPG1002H). Taught by Stephan Heblich and Kory Kroft, this is a course in microeconomic theory for students in the MPP program. 

WATCH: Decision Making and Strategy in the Global System (PPG1005H). Taught by Janice Stein and Peter Loewen, this seminar introduces students to scholarship on the psychology of decision making and the analytics of strategic thinking.