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Katie Boomgaardt

November 26, 2019 | By |

Program Manager, Internship & Career Placement

As the Program Manager, Internships and Career Placement with the Master of Public Policy program, Katie works closely with students, faculty, and employers to support their career and educational goals. She comes to the role with 15 years of local and international experience building partnerships to create experiential learning opportunities for students.

Most recently, Katie was the Academic Initiatives Lead Coordinator at the Centre for Community Partnerships where she worked closely with faculty to increase their capacity to incorporate community-engaged learning into their courses. Prior to this, Katie coordinated the International Development Studies (IDS) Co-op Program at UTSC for over 10 years, creating partnerships with organizations around the world through which students completed 8-12 month work terms.

Katie holds a Master’s degree from OISE’s Adult Education and Community Development Program with a Collaborative Specialization in Comparative and International Development Education.

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