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20 Nov

Introducing SPPG’s new post-doctoral researchers

November 20, 2017 | By |

Introducing Roosmarijn de Geus, Adrienne Davidson, and Beesan Sarrouh, who have recently joined the school as post-doctoral researchers.


Roosmarijn de Geus

After a BA in Conflict Studies and an MA in International Relations at Utrecht University and an MPhil in Comparative Government and a PhD in US politics at Oxford, Roosmarijn de Geus is joining SPPG to work with SPPG Director Peter Loewen and Ryerson Associate Professor Daniel Rubenson. Together, they will be working with Professors Loewen and Rubenson on the Local Parliament Project, a large scale public opinion study of Canadian voters. As part of this project she will work on an account of the most recent Canadian elections and study the effect of local conditions on voting behaviour in national elections. Rose’s position is funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant.




Adrienne Davidson

Adrienne Davidson comes to SPPG from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, where she was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher from 2016-17. Her tenure as a postdoctoral fellow marks her return to SPPG. Her PhD, also at the University of Toronto, focused on interdisciplinary policy research with a focus on comparative federalism in Canada and the US. Adreinne’s research also touches on Indigenous politics and multi-level governance, environmental policy, and childhood education. Adrienne’s research is funded by the SPPG Policy Symposium, supported by TD Bank, and the Mowat Centre.




Beesan Sarrouh

Beesan Sarrouh’s PhD in Political Studies from Queen’s University focused on comparative politics, religion and politics, immigration and citizenship, and education policy. Alongside her work at SPPG, she is also a Collaborator and project lead on a SSHRC and IRCC-funded project which seeks to map out civil society organizations active in the private sponsorship of Syrian refugees. She is also a team member for the Comparative Education Policy project based out of the UofT.




We wish Beesan, Adrienne and Roosmarijn a warm welcome.