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01 Jan

Heather MacLean

January 1, 1942 | By |

Associate Professor

Heather MacLean is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and holds joint appointments in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and the School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Toronto. Professor MacLean’s expertise is in the development and application of life cycle-based approaches for the techno-economic and environmental evaluation of conventional and alternative energy systems systems. Over the last 15 years she has worked closely with the automotive, oil, electricity and biofuel industries as well as Federal and provincial/state governments. She has served on industry and government advisory committees in both Canada and the U.S. Her research has informed the development of energy and environmental policy in Canada and the U.S. Professor MacLean was recently awarded the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)’s Excellence in Education Award for Promotion of Sustainable Practices. She has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University.
Home Department
Department of Civil Engineering

Faculty Classification
Cross-Appointed Faculty

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