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Grace Skogstad

January 1, 1909 | By |


Grace Skogstad is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science (St. George) and the Department of Social Sciences (UTSC). Her areas of interest include comparative public policy; the role of international institutions in regulating transatlantic agricultural and food trade disputes; Canadian federalism and intergovernmental relations; policy networks and governance; the role of ideas in policy-making; and the impact of economic globalization and political internationalization on the domestic politics and governance of agriculture and food.

Professor Skogstad received her B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Alberta, and her Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia.

The Politics of Canadian Agricultural Policy (1987), Grace Skogstad.

Internationalization and Canadian Agriculture: Policy and Governing Paradigms (2008), Grace Skogstad.

Canadian Federalism: Performance, Effectiveness and Legitimacy (2002, 2007) ed, Grace Skogstad.

Policy Communities and Public Policy (1990). ed, Grace Skogstad.

Home Department
Department of Political Science(UTSG)
Department of Social Sciences (UTSC)

Faculty Classification
Cross-Affiliated Faculty

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