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As the largest public policy school in Canada you have access to the best and brightest students and graduates who have a variety of international and multidisciplinary backgrounds and levels of professional experience.

Why MPP Students?

As part of the Master of Public Policy curriculum, students develop strong skills in leadership, analysis, communication, research and organization through rigorous two-year academic programming and practitioner training as well as their credit mandatory summer internship. After their first year, MPP students can already hit the ground running and immediately begin to add value in your organization through:

  • Policy formulation and development
  • Strategic implementation
  • Economic and statistical analysis
  • Quantitative and qualitative research
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Communication of complex issues
  • Program design
  • Providing social context for policy-making

As a partner in this program you will have the opportunity to provide students with real-world experience that is critical to their learning and development—and you will be building important relationships with the brightest policy students in Canada. In joining with us to provide students with practical experience, you are helping students to make the link between knowledge and application, critical for the future of good governance in Canada.

How to Hire: Summer Internships

To post an internship opportunity, please contact Katie Boomgaardt

Job Posting

Prepare an internship/job description to post on our internal careers portal:

  • Please send the job description through email to Katie Boomgaardt, and we will post on our internal Career Services portal, dedicated to Munk School students
  • Include a description of your organization, department, job responsibilities (could include specific projects), desired qualifications and compensation
  • Provide application requirements, deadline, and the contact person’s information to whom they should address their applications to
  • Students can apply directly to the company’s job portal or email. Alternatively, the MPP Career Services Team can collate and send a bundle of applications following the deadline.


  • We recommend scheduling interviews within 2-3 weeks of the deadline to access the broadest range of candidates
  • Option to utilize our on-campus interview rooms
  • Employers can contact students directly to arrange interviews
  • Provide clear communication before, during and after the interview, so students are aware of interview timelines and expectations

 Job Offers

  • Employers are welcome to contact students directly with an internship offer
  • Following an internship offer, students should be given a few days to respond

Resume Booklets

Please contact us to request a Resume Booklet for current MPP students to better understand the varied skills and experience students will bring to an internship.

Timelines for Internship Employers

We highly recommend posting by January as students are the most active in their internship search in January and February; however, we continue to receive postings into May

Two weeks after job posting date

Two weeks after application deadline

Minimum of 10 weeks, with the typical length of 12-18 weeks between the end of April and August

How to Hire: Full Time Jobs

To post a full time opportunity, please contact Kate Dewasha.

Fall Recruitment (September-December)
If employers can predict their hiring needs in advance, we recommend posting your job description early to draw from and attract the entire class of approximately 80 graduating Master of Public Policy students

Winter/Spring Recruitment (January-April)
Employers typically post between January and May, still taking advantage of hiring early – yet closer to the potential start date

Just In Time Recruitment (May-ongoing)
Although numerous MPP Graduates will have found work, with such a large class, many graduates are seeking full-time work well into the summer months

3 Ways to Hire for Full Time Jobs:

1. Traditional Method: Post a job description via the School’s career website

  • Send job description via email to Kate Dewasha
  • SPPG career website is password protected, and thus only available to students

2. Hiring Manager Reviews E-Profile Booklet

  • Conduct a “key word” search by pressing: Ctrl+F
  • To narrow down your search, find specific skills that are important. For example, if developing briefing notes are essential to the job–search for the word “briefing”.
  • For student contact details contact Kate Dewasha.

3. Targeted Approach: Usually for contract positions or jobs that require an immediate hire

  • If your open job vacancy requires a quick turnaround, send the job details via email and Munk staff will email you back to discuss the best approach

Katie Boomgaardt, Manager, Internships and Career Placement

Kate Dewasha, Manager, Career Development & Alumni Engagement

For customized student resume booklets and/or to connect with Master of Public Policy (MPP) students, contact


MPP Program At A Glance

MPP Program at a Glance

What can a MPP Intern do for you?

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