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Carolyn Tuohy

January 1, 1890 | By |

Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Fellow

Carolyn Tuohy specializes in comparative public policy, particularly social policy. She holds a B.A. from the University of Toronto, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University. Her publications include Remaking Policy: Scale, Pace and Political Strategy in Health Care Reform (University of Toronto Press 2018), Accidental Logics: the Dynamics of Change in the Health Care Arena in the United States, Britain and Canada (Oxford University Press 1999) and Policy and Politics in Canada: Institutionalized Ambivalence (Temple University Press 1992), a treatment of Canadian public policy in comparative perspective. She is the co-editor of Policy Transformation in Canada: Is the Past Prologue? (University of Toronto Press 2019), Taking Public Universities Seriously (University of Toronto Press 2005) and Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008).

In addition she is the author of numerous journal articles and book chapters in the areas of health and social policy, professional regulation, and comparative approaches in public policy, and has consulted for government and related agencies on public policy matters. From 1992-2005 she held a number of senior administrative positions at the University of Toronto, including Deputy Provost and Vice-President, Government and Institutional Relations. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and was Founding Fellow of the School of Public Policy and Governance, a precursor of the merged Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy.

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