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01 Jan

Andre Sorensen

January 1, 1903 | By |

Associate Professor

Sorensen, A. and C. Funck, eds. 2007. Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments. London, Routledge.

Sorensen, A. 2007. Changing Governance of Shared Spaces: Machizukuri in historical institutional perspective. In Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments, eds. A. Sorensen and C. Funck, 56-90. London, Routledge.

Sorensen, A. 2007. Consensus, Persuasion, and Opposition: Organizing Land Readjustment in Japan. In Analyzing Land Readjustment: Economics, Law, and Collective Action, eds. Y.-H. Hong and B. Needham. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy.

Sorensen, A. 2006. Centralization, urban planning governance, and citizen participation in Japan. In Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan, eds. C. Hein and P. Pelletier, 101-127. London, Routledge.

Sorensen, A. 2006. Liveable Cities in Japan: Population Ageing and Decline as Vectors of Change. International Planning Studies 11(3-4): 225-242.

Sorensen, A. 2005. The Developmental State and the Extreme Narrowness of the Public Realm: The 20th Century Evolution of Japanese Planning Culture. In Comparative Planning Cultures, ed. B. Sanyal, 223-258. New York: Routledge.

Sorensen, A. 2004. Towards Sustainable Cities: East Asian, North American, and European Perspectives on Managing Urban Regions. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Sorensen, A. 2002. The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and Planning from Edo to the Twenty-first Century. Routledge.

Sorensen, A. 2001. Building suburbs in Japan: continuous unplanned change on the urban fringe. Town Planning Review 72: 247-273.

Sorensen, A. 2001. Urban planning and civil society in Japan: the role of the Taisho period home ministry in Japanese urbanisation and planning. Planning Perspectives 16: 383-406.

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