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17 Nov

Canada’s Policy Transformations

November 13, 2017 | By |

A special symposium inviting experts from across Canada to trace the past, present, and future of Canadian policymaking.

Canada's Policy Transformations: THE LAST 50 YEARS AND THE NEXT 50

What policies have been truly transformative over the last 50 years? Which will be transformative over the next 50?

On November 17th and 18th, panelists will trace the past, present, and future of Canadian policymaking, focusing in on the country’s most critical challenges: the renewal of the federation, managing diversity, Canada’s relations with Indigenous peoples, the environment, inter-generational equity, global economic integration, and Canada’s role in the world.

What are the great political and policy transformations that will occur over the next 50 years? Canada’s last big anniversary—its centennial—coincided with a period of “big picture” policymaking that fundamentally reshaped the country.

The challenges facing Canada as it approaches its sesquicentennial anniversary require a re-thinking of policy akin to that of the 1960s—a renewal of the federation and its social and economic policy frames. Are we on the verge of another transformative moment in Canadian policymaking?

Speakers include: Kevin Milligan, Michelle Alexopoulous, Antje Ellermann, Emmett Macfarlane, Marva Wisdom, Christa Scholtz, Sheryl Lightfoot, Carol Anne Hilton, Joe Heath, Daniel Béland, Jennifer Winter, Deborah McGregor, Kathryn Harrison, Jeremy Webber, Matti Siemiatycki, Stuart Soroka, Francois Pétry, Lisa Birch, Stéfanie von Hlatky, Aisha Ahmad, and Stéphane Paquin.

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Jointly presented by…

Logos of all partners: The School of Public Policy and Governance, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy, the University of Laval’s Centre d’analyse des politiques publiques, the Institute for Research on Public Policy, and Massey College.