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23 Oct

An Incredible #SPPGOttawa Trip

October 23, 2017 | By |

Our First year Master of Public Policy students return from a whirlwind trip visiting the PMO, the Public Policy Forum, TBS Canada, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and more.

MPP Class of 2019 in front of Parliament (Day Time)

Annually our MPP first years visit Ottawa to connect with SPPG’s program partners and network with potential future employers. Check out some highlights from the trip:

A visit to the PMO

Idea Jam with TBS Canada

MPPs at the Government Employer Panel

At CCPG with Senior Economist David Macdonald

Our NGO Employer Panel

Hosted by the Public Policy Forum to Discuss Policy Research

Student Perspective

Sacha Forstner, MPP Candidate Class of 2019, writes about the annual trip:

“Not only was the trip informative and an excellent reminder for me of why I’m in this program, it also provided me (and the other attendees) with terrific one-of-a-kind opportunities to interact with and learn from senior government officials, SPPG alumni, and prospective employers in all sectors.”

Above, MPP Candidate Sacha Forstner, delivering a press briefing in Ottawa

You can follow our MPP program by connecting with us on Twitter!

Interested in a Master of Public Policy degree? Administrations for 2018 Master of Public Policy Program are now open. Find out more.

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree is highly interdisciplinary, bridging the spheres of domestic policy and international or global policy in order to address the complex issues facing modern governments and other policy-making organizations.