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03 Jan

Sean Willett

January 3, 1900 | By |

Director of Strategic Communications

Sean Willett joined the School of Public Policy and Governance in 2017 as Director of Strategic Communications. A creative and digital director based in Toronto, he is also project director for the Digital Public Square housed in the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. With a background in technology and communications, he specializes in providing strategic direction for the design, development, and marketing of emerging platforms. His expertise crosses the worlds of interactive design, UX, social media, brand identity design, writing, media production, and public affairs. An advocate for freedom of expression, his most recent work has focused on creating media and digital solutions to foster dialogue, data crowd-sourcing, and advocacy for marginalized populations and people at-risk. Those projects have included ground breaking political process monitoring tools, platforms for anonymous and uncensored conversation, interactive documentary film-making, and digital hygiene support for citizens worldwide in their effort to stay safe online.

For the past 15 years he has provided consulting on digital and communications for multiple sectors spanning charitable, non-governmental, academic, and private sector organizations. From 2012 to 2015 he served as CCO for the Munk School of Global Affairs, before directing creative programming for the University’s Digital Public Square project. In that capacity he has lead the project’s strategic campaigns, launched large-scale digital products, and developed outreach methodologies that have successfully connected with millions of people living in closed and repressive societies. Previous to joining the University of Toronto, his experience included developing communications strategy for literacy initiatives; building anonymous digital support services for Canadian youth on sexuality and bullying; and overhauling information technology services for nonprofit and private organizations, along with print and digital design.

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