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06 Apr

SPPG Student Lauren Birch to speak on Transit Fare Integration

April 6, 2017 | By |

SPPG Student Lauren Birch will be presenting on transit fare integration on April 18th from 4-5:30pm at 1 Devonshire Place.

Cities around the world have explored the implementation of transit fare integration from creating zones, to distance-based travel, to unlimited transfers within a period of time. This presentation will explore some key challenges and considerations when it comes to fare integration in Toronto. How can lessons learned from other major cities help us to develop our own transit fare policies?

About the speaker:

Lauren-Birch-web-photoLauren Birch is the recipient of IMFG’s Blanche and Sandy Van Ginkel Graduate Fellowship in Municipal Finance and Governance. She is a Master of Public Policy candidate at the School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto.



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