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15 Mar

MPP Program: Steps for the Acceptance of an Offer of Admission

March 15, 2016 | By |

MPP Program: Steps to Accept an Offer of Admission

Congratulations on your offer of admission to our Master of Public Policy Program!

Your formal offer of admission package is comprised of the e-mail (U of T, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy – MPP Offer of Admission) and an attached PDF of documents from the School of Graduate Studies, which contains your Offer of Admission letter and a Confirmation/Deposit form.

There are two independent steps to completing your acceptance of your offer of admission:

Step 1: Make an online MasterCard or Visa credit card payment by logging into the Student Information System (ACORN) at using your Join ID credentials.

  • Please note that this payment option includes a convenience fee, which is a fee billed by Moneris (credit card service provider), and is NON-REFUNDABLE, even if you decide NOT to study at the University of Toronto.
  • The convenience fee, charged at a rate of 2.25% of the fee payment, is billed directly by Moneris, and is not remitted to the University of Toronto.

Step 2: Sign and send your original completed Confirmation Deposit form and a copy of your proof of payment for your $500 deposit to the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Master of Public Policy program office:

  • Sign and date the section Accept your offer of admission.
  • Send your signed Confirmation Deposit form and a screen shot/ PDF copy of your proof of payment to the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Master of Public Policy program office by date outlined on you offer letter electronically (to

Student Accounts can be contacted via Enrolment Services, 172 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 0A3, 416-978-2190. Or you may submit a question online at

Final note, conditions stipulated on MPP offers of Admission must be cleared by Friday, July 23, 2021. With special consideration, some applicants may request to have this deadline extended to Monday, August 23, 2021. Please contact for further information.

We look forward to meeting you in September 2021!