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01 Jan

Donna Dasko

January 1, 1987 | By |



Donna Dasko is one of Canada’s best known and respected survey researchers and pollsters. During her career as Senior Vice-President of Environics Research Group Ltd, she took a leadership role in bringing opinion analysis to bear on some of this country’s most important public policy and communications issues. Working primarily with public-sector clients, she led major research studies in areas including federal and provincial budget priorities, the economy, national unity, political choice, health care, health promotion, and tobacco control.

She is a leader in developing election polling and media-sponsored polling. She developed the Globe-Environics Poll and led the CBC- Environics polling program for federal elections and feature polling assignments from 1993 to 2008.

She is co-founder and Past National Chair of Equal Voice, a national non-partisan organization dedicated to electing more women to public office in Canada. In December 2015 she founded the Campaign for an Equal Senate for Canada, pressing for a gender-equal Senate. She has served as director of several non-profit organizations.

She holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Sociology from the University of Toronto.

Contact info
Twitter: @DonnaDasko