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22 Jun

Professor Triadafilopoulos featured on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning this AM discussing Greece’s economic woes

June 22, 2015 | By |

As Eurozone finance ministers discuss the latest Greek debt proposal, Professor Triadafilopoulos discusses the country’s economic woes on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning.

Professor Triadafilopoulos is Associate Director at the School of Public Policy & Governance and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He teaches courses in public policy at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and SPPG, and conducts resarch in the areas of immigration and citizenship policy in Europe and North America.

CBC Radio’s Metro Morning with Matt Galloway aims to keep listeners informed about what’s going on in Toronto and offers listeners an optimistic, sometimes humorous view of the world, together with the day’s more serious news.

You can listen to Professor Triadafilopoulos in conversation with Matt Galloway on this morning’s Metro Morning here, or by clicking the “Read More” prompt below.

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