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29 Apr

Michael J. Trebilcock’s “Dealing With Losers” wins $50,000 top prize – The Donner Prize

April 29, 2015 | By |

This year The Donner Canadian Foundation proudly celebrates the seventeenth anniversary of the Donner Prize, which annually rewards excellence and innovation in public policy writing by Canadians.

The largest and most prestigious prize of its kind, the Donner Prize awards $50,000 to the author of the winning book, with $7,500 awarded to each of the other shortlisted titles (to a maximum of five titles).

Michael Trebilcock was awarded the $50,000 Donner Prize for Dealing With Losers: The Political Economy of Policy Transitions, published by Oxford University Press.

Whenever governments change policies, typically there will be losers: people or groups who relied upon and invested in physical, financial or human capital predicated on the pre-reform policies, and whose losses will have to be mitigated during a transition phase. In Dealing With Losers, Professor Michael Trebilcock addresses an issue ubiquitous across the policy landscape: when and how to mitigate the costs associated with policy changes.

Michael Trebilcock is a Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

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