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06 Oct

Brittany Stief

October 6, 2014 | By |

Senior Advisor, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Year of Graduation

Prior Education
B.A. Financial Economic, Western University

Prior Experience
HR, Deloitte

MPP Summer Internship: Policy Advisor, Culture Division, City of Mississauga

What influenced your decision to attend SPPG?
Coming from an economics background, I was interested in learning more about how governments tackle issues related to economic development. Overall, my interests were in line with SPPG’s focus on public policy, and the built-in summer internship provided a great opportunity for hands-on learning.

What is your favourite memory of SPPG?
I met so many wonderful people and developed some great friendships in this program. My MPP peers, as well as faculty, have remained in both my personal and my professional network.

What is a typical day like at your current job?
I work on a variety of files related to intellectual property – legal and policy analysis, international comparative research, stakeholder engagement, you name it! I am on a very small policy team at the moment, so I have a lot of autonomy when it comes to my work.

What advice would you now want to give to yourself on your first day as a MPP student?
Rather than focusing on one or two policy areas of interest, use your time in the MPP program to explore others. Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone on research projects or your summer internship – it will ultimately help you get a better idea of the type of work you’re interested in.

What have you done or are doing now that you believe has the most impact?
At work, I am currently contributing to Canada’s efforts to be more involved in international activities, and shaping the future of intellectual property administration in our country. (And, on a more personal note, I try to live a balanced lifestyle and get outside whenever possible – which has a positive impact on the body and soul!)

What are your favorite Toronto activities, places or restaurants?
I don’t live in Toronto right now, but I did grow up there (the Yonge-Eglinton area will always be “home” to me). I love going to Raptors games!

What book are you reading now?
A few. “The Vacationers” by Emma Straub; “One Summer” by Bill Bryson; “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel; and “No Relation” by Terry Fallis. What can I say? Fun summer reading.