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26 Apr

PPG2022H: Moral Foundations of Public Policy

April 26, 2014 | By |

MPP students are to complete either PPG2011H or PPG2022H.

Course Description

Moral questions abound in framing public policy.  What are the legitimate aims of the state?  How should costs and benefits of policy choices be measured and distributed across the population?  And what ethical constraints are there on the pursuit of state aims? This course will explore these theoretical questions in the context of several distinct policy areas, including health care, environmental protection, tax and economic policy, family policy, and drug control.

Spring (2nd year)

A. Franklin-Hall

*Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 3.5 FCEs in MPP1 courses
Second year MPP students are required to register in either PPG2011H OR PPG2022H.