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28 Apr

PPG2008H: Comparative Public Policy

April 28, 2014 | By |

Course Description

SECTIONS I & II: Fall & Spring

This course is designed to expose MPP students to the scholarly literature on public policy across a wide range of countries. Through the study of public policy in other countries, students will deepen their knowledge of public policy, even Canadian policy.

Major theories and research paradigms will be examined, with a focus on the relationship between theory, research design and measurement. Emphasis will be on comparing wealthy countries, though policies from the developing world will be drawn upon as well. To begin the course will examine the sources of public policy, asking how institutions, ideas and interests shape policy. Then, the course will turn to how policy shapes society, thinking carefully about how we measure policies and how we distinguish outputs from outcomes.To focus the course study, students will explore two policy areas in depth. (Students interested in other areas will have many chances to engage with the relevant literatures.)

There will be somewhat different themes between the two instructors’ sections (Fall/Spring). While there will be quite a bit of overlap, students who have a strong interest in one of the following themes, should note:
– Fall sections (Prof. Donnelly): will focus on comparative diversity and migration policies, covering both causes and consequences
– Spring sections ( Prof. White): will focus on comparative inequality and welfare state policies, also examining both causes and consequences

Fall (2nd year)
Spring (2nd year)

M. Donnelly (Fall)
L. White (Spring)

*Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 3.5 FCEs in MPP1 courses
Required of all second year students.