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09 Apr

PPG1007H: Putting Policy into Action: Strategic Implementation of Public Objectives

April 9, 2014 | By |

Course Description

This is a foundational course in professional policy practice. It is interdisciplinary, drawing on key concepts from science, social science, business and public administration as well as the world of the policy practitioner. This course introduces students to thinking in a critical, integrated way about how to deliver on public policy objectives in the context of a dynamic political and stakeholder environment. Specifically, it examines key considerations in developing an implementation strategy for a policy initiative.

Spring (1st year)

TBA (Lec. 0101)
J. Mason (Lec. 0102)
D. Fagan (Lec. 0103 & 0104)

Required of all first year students. (All four sections of this course will be offered in the Spring term, and students will be graded individually by the instructors in each part of the course.)