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18 Jun

Richa Shivakoti

June 18, 1918 | By |

Sessional Lecturer

Richa Shivakoti is a Senior Research Associate with the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration program at Ryerson University. Her research interests include the different facets of the migration-development nexus including international labour migration, migration governance, remittance, gender, forced migration, and diaspora. She writes on Asian temporary labour migration and its impacts on migrant workers and their countries of origin.

Previously, Richa has worked as a Research Officer at Carleton University, a post-doctoral research fellow at Maastricht University and the United Nations University (UNU-MERIT) in the Netherlands and as a Program Officer at the Open Society Foundations in Nepal. She has been affiliated with various academic institutions in Nepal, Singapore, USA, the Netherlands and Canada. She is also involved in policy research with regional and international organizations such as the IOM, ILO and ASEAN Secretariat. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the National University of Singapore and a dual Masters in Public Affairs and Political Science from Indiana University. During her doctoral studies, she was also a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University.

Recent Publication

Beyond the Partnership Debate: Localizing Knowledge Production in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (with James Milner), Journal of Refugee Studies, July 2021.

International Migration, Remittances and COVID-19: Economic Implications and Policy Options for South Asia (with Matt Withers and Sophie Henderson), Journal of Asian Public Policy, Jan 2021.

Asian Migration Governance. In Regional Integration and Migration in the Global South, Springer United Nations University Series on Regionalism. Editors: Marchand K., Rayp, G. & Ruyssen I. (Aug 2020)

Courses Taught
PPG 2008H: Comparative Public Policy

Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Contact info