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01 Nov

Irfan A. Dhalla

November 1, 1983 | By |

Assistant Professor

Irfan Dhalla is Assistant Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Health Policy, Management and Evalaution at the University of Toronto, as well as a Scientist in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, an Adjunct Scientist at ICES and a Medical Advisor to the Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre. Irfan’s’s research program focuses primarily on pharmaceutical policy and the organization, financing and delivery of care to individuals with complex medical problems. He serves on several Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care committees and is also a volunteer member of the Board of Directors for Canadian Doctors for Medicare. Irfan received his Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Physics from the University of British Columbia, his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Toronto and a Master of Science in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from the London School of Economics.

Home Department
Faculty of Medicine

Faculty Classification
Affiliated Faculty

Contact info
416-864-6060 x7113