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01 Jul

Tony Culyer

July 1, 1987 | By |

Tony Culyer is Ontario Research Professor of Health Policy & System Design at the University of Toronto and also a professor of economics at the University of York (UK). He was the founding Organiser of the Health Economists’ Study Group for 15 years. For 33 years he was the founding co-editor, with Joe Newhouse, of the Journal of Health Economics. He was the founding Vice Chair of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and is chair of NICE International’s Advisory Group.He is currently Editor-in-Chief of a new on-line Encyclopaedia of Health Economics (Elsevier). He was responsible for the 1994 report that led to the redesign of the NHS’s system for supporting R&D.

For many years he was chair of the Department of Economics & Related Studies at York (UK) and, for six of them, was also deputy vice-chancellor. In Canada he has been Chief Scientist at the Institute for Work & Health and chair of the Toronto-based Workplace Safety & Insurance Board’s Research Advisory Council. He helped to found the Occupational Cancer Research Centre in Toronto. He is a board member of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH). He has published quite a lot of articles and books (and has quite a long time over which to do so).The third edition of his The Dictionary of Health Economics (Edward Elgar) is just about to be published. A collection of his non-technical essays, called The Humble Economist, edited by Karl Claxton and Richard Cookson, was published in 2012 and is now available on-line free of charge.

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