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01 Aug

Monica Boyd

August 1, 1996 | By |


Monica Boyd is Professor of Sociology and Canada Research Chair in Equity and Health. Currently on the Board of Directors of the SRDC, a non-profit social policy research organization, she is past president of the Canadian Population Society, and was twice elected to the Board of the Population Association of America. Recently she has been active in United Nations activities focusing on Beijing+10 and the 2006 High Level Dialogue on Migration, preparing invited reports and presentations for UNIRSD, UN-DAW, UNFPA, the UN Commission of Women, and the UN Population Division. Professor Boyd received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Chicago, and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in sociology from Duke University.

Home Department
Department of Sociology

Faculty Classification
Affiliated Faculty

Research interests
Changing family forms, ethnic and immigrant stratification, gender and labour market inequalities, and international migration policy.

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