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01 Jul

Steven Bernstein

July 1, 2000 | By |


Steven Bernstein is Associate Chair and Graduate Director, Department of Political Science and Co-Director of the Environmental Governance Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. His research spans the areas of global governance and institutions, global environmental politics, non-state forms of governance, international political economy, and internationalization of public policy.
Publications include Unsettled Legitimacy: Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era (co-edited, 2009); Global Liberalism and Political Order: Toward a New Grand Compromise? (co-edited, 2007); A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada (co-edited, 2007) and The Compromise of Liberal Environmentalism (2001); as well as many articles in refereed academic journals, including European Journal of International Relations, Science, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of International Economic Law, International Affairs, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Policy Sciences, Regulation and Governance, and Global Environmental Politics. He was also a convening lead author and member of the Global Forest Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime and a consultant on institutional reform for the “Rio +20” UN Conference on Sustainable Development and its follow-up.

Home Department
Department of Political Science (UTM)

Faculty Classification
Affiliated Faculty

Contact info
(905) 828 3913