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01 Jul

Nina Bascia

July 1, 2002 | By |


Nina Bascia is Professor and Chair of the Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Professor Bascia received her Ph.D. degree from Stanford University.
The International Handbook on Educational Policy (Springer, 2005) and Teaching for Deep Understanding (ETFO, 2004) Nina Bascia.

Unions in Teachers’ Professional Lives (1990),Nina Bascia.

The Sharp Edge of Educational Change: Teaching, Leading and the Realities of Reform (2000). ed: Nina Bascia & Andy Hargreaves.

Home Department
Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE)

Faculty Classification
Affiliated Faculty

Research interests
Policy analysis and program evaluation, organizational and social context of teaching and administration, teacher leadership and development, and teacher unions and professional associations.

Contact info
(416) 978-1159