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George Vegh

January 1, 1888 | By |

Sessional Lecturer

George Vegh is the head of McCarthy Tétrault’s Toronto energy regulation practice, where he provides advocacy and advisory services to private and public sector clients. George’s main focus is on regulatory and wholesale market governance in the energy sector.

Prior to joining McCarthy Tétrault, George was General Counsel of the Ontario Energy Board.

George is a leader in the energy sector, having served as Chair of the Ontario Energy Association and the IESO Market Forum. He currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of the Association of Power Producers of Ontario.  He also led a number of industry initiatives, including Task Forces on Distribution Rate Regulation, Infrastructure Renewal, Distributed Generation, and Transmission Connection for Renewable Generation.

George is an Adjunct Professor of Energy Law at the University of Toronto Law School, the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, the University of Calgary Law School and at Osgoode Hall Law School, where he is also the Program Director for the Masters’ Program in Energy and Infrastructure Law.

Courses Taught
Integrating Seminar: Legal Analysis in Public Policy “Independent Regulation: Policy, Politics, and Practice of Governing Outside of Government”


Cap and Trade and Governance:  Ontario energy agency could correct province’s past policy mistakes, May, 2016 (Globe and Mail)

Improving Governance in the Ontario Electricity Sector, February, 2016 (CD Howe)

Expert Testimony to Ontario Legislative Assembly Committee on Procurement and Siting, September, 2013 (transcript).

Energy Planning: Towards a Less Prescriptive Approach (McCarthy Tétrault), September, 2013.

Distribution Sector Structure, March, 2013 (CD Howe)

Reconnecting Supply and Demand: How Improving Electricity Pricing Can Help Integrate a Changing Supply Mix, Increase Efficiency, and Empower

How Energy Institutions Set the Price for Electricity, in Doug Reeve, Donald Dewees & Bryan Karney, Current Affairs – Perspectives on Electricity Policy for Ontario (University of Toronto Press, 2010), 142.

The Green Energy and Economy Act: Green Energy Unbounded University of Toronto Law Faculty Blog, February 25, 2009.

Advocacy Centre for Tenants – Ontario v. Ontario Energy Board: Public Utility Rate-Rate-Making: Economic Regulation or Taxation? Case Comment: (2008), 87 Canadian Bar Review, 549.

Is there a Doctrine of Canadian Public Utility Law? (2007), 86 Can. Bar Rev. 319.

Electricity Competition in Ontario (1998), 16 Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 114

The Characterization of Barriers to Interprovincial Trade under the Canadian Constitution, (1996), 34 Osgoode Hall Law School 355.

Student Companion to Administrative Law (Toronto: Butterworths, 1996).

Does Quebec have the Right to Secede at International Law? (1995), 74 Canadian Bar Review 225 (co-authored with Neil Finkelstein and Camille Joly).

The Separation of Quebec and the Constitution of Canada (Toronto: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1992) (co-authored with Neil Finkelstein).

Making the Law: The Courts and the Constitution (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1991) (co-authored with John T. Saywell).

McCarthy Tétrault
Home Department
Faculty of Law
Research interests
Regulatory Governance
, Energy Regulation

Contact info