On August 3rd, 2013, RouhaniMeter.com set out to measure the performance of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani by monitoring the status of promises he made during his campaign. As of November 12, 2013, 100 days since the beginning of his term, experts and researchers have collected data from media outlets, government releases, government proceedings, social media posts, and community contributions from
Iranians inside the country. In that time, over one million users have visited RouahniMeter.com from inside Iran and it has been showcased
across popular Iranian media outlets.

The report is a look at the Rouhani presidency through the work of the first 100 days of the Rouhani Meter project, from August 3rd to November 12th. In addition to an extended analysis, this report shares new research on public requests for change made by civil society groups, academics, and prominent Iranian figures within Iran to President Rouhani.

Download the Report (PDF)