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Munk Centre Monitor Spring 2011

May 13, 2011

Papers From The Munk School That Are Changing The Global Conversation Page 4 From International Relations to Global Affairs By Janice Gross Stein Page 8 Part 1 | Rethinking Stat e Power “Can Non-State Global Governance Be Legitimate?” (Bernstein and...

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Worse Than Poor; Invisible

May 9, 2011

SOCIAL WELFARE STATES CAN’T SEE THE POOR, TO PROTECT THEM This past half century has seen remarkable economic growth in the global economy. Rich countries have become richer, and once poor countries – from superstars like India and China, to...

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Munk School Announces Book Titled: “Diplomacy in the Digital Age”

April 26, 2011

Inspired by Allan Gotlieb’s capacity to reshape diplomacy for the times, the contributors to this volume grapple with the challenges of a digital age where information is everywhere and confidentiality is almost nowhere.

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South Africa – Another “Bric’s” in the Wall

April 25, 2011

BUT THE WALL DOESN’T SIT ON MUCH OF A FOUNDATION So the BRICs have become the BRICS.   The annual leaders meeting  – this is actually the third annual meeting of BRIC leaders – that originally included Brazil, Russia, India and...

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Nuclear Shadow

April 18, 2011

WHERE CAN WE SET STANDARDS, AFTER FUKUSHIMA? After the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, the debate over how the incident will affect global plans for reactor construction is continuing. Germany has shifted sharply (though they had been...

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From Disaster, A New Beginning?

April 11, 2011

WILL JAPAN’S COMMUNITARIAN SPIRIT PERSIST IN RECONSTRUCTION? For we Japanese, living with earthquakes has been like a national game of ‘cat and mouse’ with the most powerful forces of nature. We try our best to run away from nature’s claws,...

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Headshot of Jeffrey Reitz

Comparisons of the Success of Racial Minority Immigrant Offspring in the United States, Canada and Australia

April 7, 2011

The educational, occupational and income success of the racial minority immigrant offspring is very similar for many immigrant origins groups in the United States, Canada and Australia. Relatively lower entry statuses for these immigrant groups in the US are eliminated for the second generation, indicating they experience stronger upward inter-generational mobility.

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South Africa’s Moment

April 4, 2011

WHERE WILL PRETORIA GO AS A BRIC-FORUM MEMBER? In its early years of transition from apartheid and in South Africa’s integration into the global system, South Africa was always known as a country that punches above its weight in global...

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Brazil’s Currency Strategy Problem

March 28, 2011

BY NOT ADAPTING TO A NEW ENVIRONMENT, BRAZIL IS CEDING ITS FUTURE TO CHINA Leo Tolstoy’s description of Napoleon’s 1812 invasion of Russia, in his masterpiece “War and Peace”, evokes the dynamics in the currency war taking place in global...

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Too Late in Libya

March 21, 2011

EVEN A STALEMATE IS GREEN LIGHT FOR YEMENI, BAHRAINI REGIMES Libya is the new barometer of the changing Middle East. The early, relatively fast, regime changes in Tunisia and Egypt raised expectations throughout the region.  After thirty years of sclerosis,...

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