Research Articles Archive - Page 4 of 51 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Privacy and Security Analysis of the IATA Travel Pass Android App

April 13, 2022

In the wake of COVID-19, governments and companies around the world are seeking ways to maximize the safety and security of airline passengers, the staff of airlines and airports, and the broader population with which passengers interact. These efforts include...

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New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: Recent trends and long-term challenges in Ontario’s labour market

April 7, 2022

COVID-19 has had a substantial, unequal, and sustained impact on the Ontario labour market. As the province rebuilds, it is important both for economic and equity reasons that those who suffered most during COVID-19 are brought back into the labour...

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NSO Group about us page loaded on a cell phone screen

Peace through Pegasus: Jordanian Human Rights Defenders and Journalists Hacked with Pegasus Spyware

April 5, 2022

In this new joint Citizen Lab-Frontline Defenders report, researchers find that phones belonging to four Jordanian human rights defenders, lawyers, and journalists were hacked multiple times with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware between August 2019 and December 2021. One of the...

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Ontario 360 report cover

New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: All Charged Up – How Ontario Can Boost Electric Vehicle Production And Usage

March 29, 2022

Today’s policy brief, All Charged Up, is by Munk School graduate student Connor Fraser. It sets out a mix of supply- and demand-side policies to boost production and sales of electric vehicles in the Province of Ontario. Future Ontario 360...

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New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: How Ontario Can Boost Electric Vehicle Production And Usage

March 29, 2022

Ontario lags behind the national average in uptake of electric vehicles, which has both economic and environmental impact. In this paper, Munk School student Connor Fraser analyses the situation, and makes recommendations to boost production and deployment of EV’s. Read...

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New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: Doing More For Those With Less: How To Strengthen Benefits And Programs For Low-Income Individuals And Families In Ontario

March 22, 2022

Ontario’s system of supports for people with low incomes is ineffective and in need of significant improvement. Garima Talwar Kapoor provides recommendations for strengthening social assistance and broader supports for the low-income population in Ontario. Read the report

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Engrave Contacts

Engrave Condition: Apple’s Political Censorship Leaves Taiwan, Remains in Hong Kong

March 22, 2022

In previous work, Citizen Lab researchers found that Apple moderates content over its engraving services in each of the six regions that they analyzed: the United States, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. Across these regions, they found that...

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New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: Liberalizing Ontario’s Land Use Rules To Boost Market-Rate Housing Supply

March 18, 2022

Ontario is facing a housing crisis – homes are too expensive and too scarce. Chris Spoke discusses the challenges and potential solutions. Read the report.

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Ontario 360 report cover

New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: The Politics of Emissions Reduction in Ontario Part 2 – Paths Forward

March 16, 2022

In part two of his paper, McGowan discusses how the next Ontario government, regardless of political stripe, faces a significant crossroad regarding the economic growth and prosperity of the province. Read the full briefing here. 

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Ontario 360 Poster

New Ontario 360 Transition Briefing: The Politics of Emissions Reduction in Ontario – Part 1 The Road to Today

March 15, 2022

The Politics of Emissions Reduction in Ontario will run in two parts. Today’s brief focuses on the recent history of emissions reduction in the province. Tomorrow’s brief focuses on effective initiatives for future progress. The briefs were written by David...

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