Research Articles Archive - Page 25 of 51 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Brain Circulation: Canada & Israel

June 8, 2017

High-skilled Prime working age (PWA) people are fundamental in securing economic growth. Therefore, a country’s ability to attract PWA immigrants and encourage its domestic PWA population to remain put, is crucial to sustaining economic competitiveness. Looking at Canada and Israel,...

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Innovation Policy for People with Disabilities

June 8, 2017

This policy brief, written by Nicole Gladstone (MGA ’17), Tessa MacNeil (MGA ’17), and Dr. Amos Zehavi (Tel Aviv University) investigates government innovation policy that supports a steadily growing and often marginalized group in society: people with disabilities (PWD). This...

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Tainted Leaks: Disinformation and Phishing With a Russian Nexus

May 25, 2017

This Citizen Lab report describes an extensive Russia-linked phishing and disinformation campaign. It provides evidence of how documents stolen from a prominent journalist and critic of Russia was tampered with and then “leaked” to achieve specific propaganda aims. Citizen Lab researchers...

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Recreational Cannabis Regulation & International Law

May 17, 2017

This policy brief, produced by the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy (ICDSP) and a capstone group in the Master of Global Affairs program, provides guidance to national governments seeking to align domestic legalization and regulation of recreational cannabis...

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The Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy

May 15, 2017

This report highlights the summary of discussions and key policy recommendations from the 2016 Canada-UK Colloquium Report (CUKC) in Edmonton last November 2016, chaired by the Hon. Jean Charest, which brought together fifty high-level policymakers, academics, industry leaders and young scholars....

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We (can’t) Chat: “709 Crackdown” Discussions Blocked on Weibo and WeChat

April 13, 2017

This report from the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs reveals how discussions about a nationwide government crackdown on rights lawyers and activists in China are censored on WeChat and Weibo, two of the leading social networks in China....

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The Social Innovation Strategies of Canadian Foundations

April 10, 2017

This white paper by Kristen Pue and Dan Breznitz examines how leading Canadian foundations have approached social innovation. While definitions vary, the paper identifies a distinctly Canadian approach to innovation based on collaboration and adaptation. In addition, the authors identify five different strategies to...

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Accountability officers and integrity in Canadian municipal government

March 29, 2017

Many local governments across Canada have established independent accountability officer positions, yet little research has been done on their impact and effectiveness. Can we expect the existence of these officers – auditors general, ombudsmen, integrity commissioners, lobbyist registrars, and closed...

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Innovation Policy in International Perspective

March 28, 2017

The Innovation Policy Lab hosted a panel discussion on Canada’s innovation within the global landscape on March 21 at the Munk School of Global Affairs. Panellists included Mark Zachary Taylor, professor and author of The Politics of Innovation: Why Some...

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Making a Global City book cover

Making a Global City: How One Toronto School Embraced Diversity

March 17, 2017

By Robert Vipond Half of Toronto’s population is born outside of Canada and over 140 languages are spoken on the city’s streets and in its homes. How to build community amidst such diversity is one of the global challenges that...

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