Research Articles Archive - Page 17 of 51 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Irregular Border Crossings and Asylum Seekers in Canada: A Complex Intergovernmental Problem

November 10, 2020

Between 2017 and mid-2020, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 59,658 people as they crossed into Canada outside official ports of entry. In this study for the Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, authors Robert Schertzer and Mireille Paquet...

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New Jeffrey Reitz Research: The significance of mixed family backgrounds for mainstream integration in Canada

October 30, 2020

Recent research has shown that, in the U.S., individuals from mixed majority-minority families generally occupy positions in between whites and minorities but ‘lean’ white in the sense that they behave in ways more similar in key respects to white Americans...

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Reimagining the Canadian Federation Through an Urban Lens

October 29, 2020

The devastating impacts of COVID-19 have been most pronounced in Canada’s cities. As part of the Centre of Excellence on Canadian Federation’s Inaugural Essay series, Gabriel Eidelman writes about what it will take to recover: stronger political institutions linking all...

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Mobility and Proximity in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mobility and Proximity in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic

October 27, 2020

The COVID pandemic has had dramatic implications for the mobility and proximity of all Canadians. In this new Innovation Policy Lab report, the authors Gabriel Cavalli, Brennan Lake, Anita M. McGahan and Emanuele Pepe set out to answer several key...

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Belarus Uprising: How a Dictator Became Vulnerable

October 26, 2020

Following Belarus’s fraudulent presidential election on August 9, hundreds of thousands took to the streets, creating an unprecedented threat to the rule of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Protest leaders have explicitly distinguished their new movement from the “color revolutions” that have taken...

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IMFG: Policy In Place: Revisiting Canada’s Tri-Level Agreements

October 23, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of cities as partners in implementing and enforcing national and provincial policies, programs, and services. An important question that arises is: what is the best way for different orders of government and stakeholders...

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Recognition gaps and economies of worth in police encounters

October 21, 2020

By: Ron Levi, Holly Campeau, and Todd Fogglesong An important metric of evaluation when considering the success of policing is how residents view their interactions with the police, and how injustice and redress by state institutions are evaluated. This paper...

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COVID-19 and the Politics of Crisis

October 16, 2020

By: Phillip Lipscy The COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to refocus scholarly attention on the politics of crisis. Crises that abruptly upend political and economic relations are important and increasing in frequency. However, the division of international relations into international...

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The Evolution of Community Consultation in GTA Transit Planning

October 1, 2020

New Report from the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance By Nick Lombardo Between 1945 and 1970, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) experienced a vast expansion in transit infrastructure, including tens of kilometres of new subway lines and the introduction...

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Japan’s Leadership in the Liberal International Order: Impact and Policy Opportunities for Partners

July 17, 2020

Since 2016, Japan has shown remarkable leadership on several dimensions of global and regional economic governance, including trade governance, economic and data governance, regional rules-based order, and environmental governance. How significant is this new phase of Japanese international leadership in...

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