Research Articles Archive - Page 11 of 51 - Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

The Effect of Trade on Workers and Voters

May 12, 2021

Researchers Christian Dippel, Robert Gold, Stephan Heblich, and Rodrigo Pinto investigate economic causes of the rising support of populist parties in industrialized countries. Looking at Germany, they find that exposure to imports from low wage countries increases the support for...

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Stephen Heblich

Stephan Heblich co-authored article in The Economic Journal: The Effect of Trade on Workers and Voters

May 12, 2021

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Reforming Provincial Energy Planning: Summary and Analysis from Ontario 360’s Expert Roundtable

May 3, 2021

The following is a report on a virtual roundtable discussion hosted by Ontario 360 on March 29, 2021. It provides a context for the Ontario government’s long-term energy system planning and an overview of the key ideas expressed at the...

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Overcoming vaccine deployment challenges among the hardest to reach: lessons from polio elimination in India

May 3, 2021

After more than 30 years of efforts to eliminate polio, India was certified polio free by WHO in 2014. The final years prior to polio elimination were characterised by concentrated efforts to vaccinate hard-to-reach groups in the state of Uttar...

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East-Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting

May 1, 2021

Why are the east sides of formerly industrial cities more deprived? To answer this question, researchers Stephan Heblich, Alex Trew and Yanos Zylberberg use individual-level census data and create historical pollution patterns derived from the locations of 5,000 industrial chimneys...

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Women’s Municipal Electoral Performance: An Introduction to the Canadian Municipal Elections Database

April 30, 2021

Co-authored by Gabriel Eidelman, this research note describes the Canadian Municipal Elections Database (CMED), a new publicly available and actively maintained dataset of more than 24,000 municipal elections in Canada. The authors describe the need for high-quality election results data...

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Anti-intellectualism and the mass public’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

April 30, 2021

Anti-intellectualism (the generalized distrust of experts and intellectuals) is an important concept in explaining the public’s engagement with advice from scientists and experts. Eric Merkley and Peter Loewen ask whether it has shaped the mass public’s response to coronavirus disease...

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Transit-Oriented Communities: why we need them now and how we can make them happen

April 20, 2021

Co-authored by University of Toronto professors Matti Siemiatycki and Drew Fagan, this report outlines the complex planning context regarding transit-oriented communities, including the Ontario government’s recently passed Transit-Oriented Communities Act. The authors set out the three “Ds” – density, diversity,...

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Job Polarization in Canada

April 16, 2021

Job polarization is one of several trends — including automation, offshoring and the growing importance of the gig-economy — that were already of general interest prior to the onset of the pandemic, but which have been pushed even further into...

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Corrupting the Cyber-Commons: Social Media as a Tool of Autocratic Stability

April 16, 2021

Non-democratic regimes have increasingly moved beyond merely suppressing online discourse, and are shifting toward proactively subverting and co-opting social media for their own purposes. Namely, social media is increasingly being used to undermine the opposition, to shape the contours of...

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