Papers From The Munk School That Are

Changing The Global Conversation

Page 4

From International Relations to Global Affairs

By Janice Gross Stein

Page 8

Part 1 | Rethinking Stat e Power

“Can Non-State Global Governance Be Legitimate?” (Bernstein and Cashore) Page 10


“Growing the East Asia Welfare State” (Peng and Wong) Page 11

“China’s Communists and Their Credit Co-ops” (Ong) Page 13

“Experimenting With Deeper Global Integration” (Pauly) Page 20

Page 38

Part 2 | Rethinking Internati onal Relati ons

“The Gx Global Governance: China Faces G20 Leadership” (Alexandroff ) Page 40


“Making Multilateralism Accountable” (Kirton) Page 43

“Lawyers and the Darfur Genocide” (Levi and Hagan) Page 46

Page 58

Part 3 | Rethinking Citizen Power

“Liberation Vs. Control: The Future of Cyberspace” (Deibert and Rohozinski) Page 60


“How Eastern Europe’s Citizens Created Dictatorships and Democracies” (Kopstein and Wittenberg) Page 62

“Global Capitalism and the World of the Bazaar” (Birla) Page 67

Munk Centre Monitor Spring 2011