Established in February 2017, Toronto Global is a leading investment attraction agency in Canada and one which is designed to act on behalf of all of the municipalities that comprise the Toronto Region. The underlying rationale for the establishment of this regional agency is two-fold: a belief that foreign direct investment (FDI) in any one part of the Toronto Region stands to benefit all sub-regional municipalities and an understanding that a collective regional value proposition is stronger than the sum of its parts.

This research paper provides both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the economic impact of FDI into the Toronto Region, providing data-driven support for this rationale. It also contributes to knowledge of how the regional economy operates, as well as an understanding of how both foreign and domestic firms weigh location decisions. These insights highlight how firms at home and abroad view the Toronto Region’s strategic assets, which strengthens Toronto Global’s ability to describe the region’s value proposition to potential investors.

Read the executive summary.

Read the report.

To learn more about Toronto Global and foreign direct investment in the Toronto Region, please visit