Over the past few years, the Citizen Lab has established itself as one of the premier cyber investigation organizations on the planet, exposing a series of extensive cyber espionage efforts and shedding light on the shady practices of Canadian companies helping facilitate online state censorship in oppressive regimes throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

In 2009, Mr. Deibert’s team uncovered the GhostNet cyber spy ring originating from China, which was found to be tapping into foreign embassies around the world, NATO operations in Germany and the Dalai Lama’s headquarters in India and the United States.

“We have a responsibility to do more as a country than we are presently doing,” Mr. Deibert said. “If I was shaping Canadian policy in this area, I would have a robust, comprehensive set of strategic policies protecting cyberspace as an open commons ... why isn’t [the Canadian government] out there with a comprehensive vision of how this system should be governed?

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