The ​2018 Canada-UK Colloquium (CUKC)​ on​ “Artificial Intelligence & Society: Choices, Risks & Opportunities” ​took place ​at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto from November 23 to 25, 2018.

Established in 1971, the Canada-UK Colloquium is an annual forum aimed at facilitating in-depth discussion of critical and timely public policy issues for both countries. Every year, it brings together some fifty Canadian and British parliamentarians, senior-level public servants, academics, journalists, business leaders and young scholars, to foster practical knowledge-sharing and encourage constructive collaboration. The location of the Colloquia rotates between the two countries each year. Over the past four decades, the CUKC has been widely endorsed by the Prime Ministers from both countries, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the United Kingdom and the Department of Global Affairs Canada have actively supported this initiative.

This year’s colloquium focused on the public policy implications of the AI revolution, both at individual and societal levels. Key topics examined include the development and application of Deep Learning, the implications of big data and privacy, and the use of AI in defence, security and policing. Special attention was also paid to science and AI, the implications for the labour market, as well as social inequality, legal liability, new regulations, and ethical considerations. Canada and the UK are already leaders in AI research and development, and the Colloquium brought together top experts to discuss ways in which both governments could mitigate the risks associated with AI and maximize benefits of new technological developments.

​The event was co-hosted by the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and Massey College at the University of Toronto, and co-sponsored by the Office of Vice President, International at the University of Toronto, Microsoft Canada, Public Safety Canada, Global Affairs Canada, McCord Travel ​Management, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.

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