Peter Warrian
Distinguished Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Room 356S, 1 Devonshire Place
Dr. Peter J. Warrian is a Senior Research Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto. He is Canada’s leading academic expert on the steel industry. He was formerly Research Director of the United Steelworkers of America and Chief Economist of the Province of Ontario.
His current research is on knowledge networks, supply chains and digital manufacturing. As a member of the Innovation Systems Research Network (ISRN), funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada he has worked on the inter-face between the steel industry and the auto industry, particularly in the area of lightweight materials and the interaction of software and advanced materials.
Selected Publications
Warrian, P. (2014) “Biotech in Lunch Buckets: The Curious Knowledge Networks in Steel Town”, Wolfe, D. (ed.) Innovating in Urban Economics, University of Toronto Press: Toronto
Warrian, P. and Bramwell, A. (Forthcoming) “Hamilton East, Hamilton West: The Dynamics of Innovation in a Mid-Sized Industrial City” , Gertler, M and Wolfe, D. (ed.) Creative Cities, University of Toronto Press
Warrian, P. (2012) A Profile of the Steel Industry: Global Re-Invention for a New Economy, Chicago: Business Expert Press