Edward Greespon

Edward Greenspon

Distinguished Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Edward Greenspon is President and CEO of the Public Policy Forum, a 31-year-old think tank that partners with governments, the private sector, academia, unions, Indigenous groups and civil society on pressing policy issues. He wrote PPF’s landmark report on news, democracy and trust in the digital age, The Shattered Mirror, which was released just over a year ago.

Mr. Greenspon is the former Editor-in-Chief of The Globe and Mail, where he was also founding editor of globeandmail.com and Ottawa Bureau Chief. He was senior editor for Bloomberg News, and was Vice President of Strategic Investments at Torstar Corp.

The author of two books and numerous articles, Mr. Greenspon was awarded the Hyman Solomon Prize for Public Policy Journalism and the Douglas Purvis Prize for economics writing. He is a graduate of Carleton University and the London School of Economics, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar.

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