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A group of students present their pitch in a previous Global Ideas Institute cycle

Global Ideas Institute Gets Ready for international Cohort

October 21, 2021

Global Ideas Institute Gets Ready for international Cohort

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The Birthright Lottery book cover

Ayelet Shachar’s book, The Birthright Lottery, referenced in The Globe and Mail

October 21, 2021

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Munk School Bloor building

FP Grad Guide: Apply now to the Munk School’s professional degree programs & dual degrees

October 20, 2021

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Diana Fu

Diana Fu in Foreign Affairs: Is U.S. Foreign Policy Too Hostile to China?

October 20, 2021

Foreign Affairs asked leading China experts about their opinions on U.S. Foreign Policy and whether it is too hostile to China. Diana Fu weighed in: “U.S. foreign policy aggression has been matched by Beijing aggression. Both sides have become too...

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Hannah Flores

Munk One’s Hannah Flores opened the Raptors’ season opener with a spoken word poem

October 20, 2021

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Christopher Parsons

Chris Parsons in CBC: Toronto man raises security alarm after getting stranger’s COVID 19 test details

October 19, 2021

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Cargo ship

Peter Warrian in CBC Online: Merchandise delays on books, clothing and more may affect Christmas shopping

October 18, 2021

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IMF's Kristalina Georgieva

Paul Cadario in The Independent: Recent row at IMF and World Bank highlights need for wider leadership gene pool

October 18, 2021

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Korea Town

Ito Peng in BNN Bloomberg: Hate-Speech Case Forces Japan to Confront Workplace Racism

October 17, 2021

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Ito Peng

Ito Peng in BNN Bloomberg: Hate-Speech Case Forces Japan to Confront Workplace Racism

October 17, 2021

Ito Peng’s report, Views on immigration in Japan: identities, interests, and pragmatic divergence, explores how material-based and identity-based concerns influence views on immigration in Japan. From Ito Peng on the original report: “It was an article that I wrote with...

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